Month: December 2019

Seven Fun Facts You Should Know about IT’s Pennywise

If you have watched IT, you would have met the tormented clown, Pennywise. This movie was the reason many installed home cinemas. However, here are some facts about him that would make you know him even more:
He’s Old and an Alien
He existed even before the Big Bang. He came to earth millions of years ago through an asteroid that crashed on Earth. He was in a dormant state until 1715 and started to frighten people, especially children, every 30 years.
Pennywise is Also Haunting Characters Across Stephen King’s Novels
This clown is part of King’s novels like The Tommyknockers, Dreamcatcher, …

Another PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Sequel is Coming this 2021

The last installment, THE GHOST DIMENSION, was way back in 2015 and was the 6th of the many Paranormal Activity movies produced over time. Another sequel should be produced because horror fans just can’t get enough of the chills brought by the series.
The producers heard the fans and, in 2020, another installment will be made. There is no title given yet for the sequel, but it will surely bring the same chills from all the installments made for Paranormal Activity.
To refresh every horror fans’ memory, this US$15,000-budget series has grossed in around US$200 million. This should be reason enough for another …

The Highest Grossing Comic Book Movie of All Time is Now JOKER!

At US$957 million in ticket sales, JOKER is now the most profitable comic book movie ever produced. A film budgeted at US$62.5 million, the production of the movie had amassed more than US$800 million in profit which was greater than The Mask (at US$351 million ticket sales over a US$23 million production budget) and Batman (US$411 million sales over US$35 million production budget).
Other movies like the Venom (US$854 million sales over a US$90 million production cost) and Deadpool (US$783 million on a US$58 million budget) were surpassed by JOKER which was widely-anticipated by many Batman fans worldwide. Even more, it has …